On the heels of their loss to the Chicago Bulls on Sunday (Thanks to Joakim Noah’s triple double), the New York Knicks are back in the news with team dysfunction.
This time it is Amare Stoudemire throwing jabs at his enigmatic teammate JR Smith. JR made comments in another loss on Friday where he stated that the team lacked “heart” and it was now time for Stoudemire to fire back.
According to the NY Post, Stoudemire dug in stating that
You have to look at yourself in the mirror before we make statements, We got to make sure you’re playing hard first. You take care of yourself and then everyone else will follow suit. Until you do it yourself, then you can lead by example
This little jab at JR is sure to get the media going (well we are writing on it) but it just adds another dimension in the whole New York Knicks fiasco season.